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Configure Evergreen Action Triggers

This guide is for the Evergreen Administrator. It will help you set up your Evergreen (EG) server for sending a push notifications with an action trigger. It assumes that your System Administrator has already installed the hemlock-sendmsg daemon, and it's listening on localhost:8842.

The process is:

  • Create User Setting Types
  • Create an Action Trigger

Create User Setting Types

This procedure creates two new User Setting Types for the app to store its push notification token and an enabled flag. The token uniquely identifies the app installation, and is required to send a push notification to a specific patron account. The boolean flag can be used as an opt-in setting type on any action triggers that send push notifications.

As an EG admin, login to the Staff client and go to Server Administration >> User Setting Types.


  • Click New User Setting Type

  • Set the following form values:

    DescriptionUsed by the Hemlock app to store a patron's push notification token
    LabelHemlock Push Notification Data
    OPAC/Patron Visiblenot checked
  • Click Save

  • Click New User Setting Type

  • Set the following form values:

    DescriptionUsed by the Hemlock app to flag that a patron has a push notification token
    LabelHemlock Push Notification Enabled
    OPAC/Patron Visiblenot checked
  • Click Save

Create an Action Trigger

This procedure adds an action trigger to a demo server loaded with the concerto sample data. The action trigger uses the CallHTTP reactor to send a request to the hemlock-sendmsg daemon to send the push notification.

As an EG admin, login to the Staff client and go to Local Administration >> Notifications / Action Triggers.

Checkout the Evergreen Action Trigger documentation for more information.

Cloning an Existing Action Trigger


Cloning an existing action trigger is a good way to start especially if you are not familiar with action triggers. It is easier to modify an existing action trigger than to create one from scratch and can help reduce errors and save time on troubleshooting.

  • Make sure that you clone a working action trigger.
  • Clone an action trigger that uses the same hook as the one you want to create.
  1. Right click an existing event definition and click Clone Selected or select the event definition and click Clone Selected from the Actions menu.
  2. When prompted to clone the environment, select Yes.
  3. Set the reactor to CallHTTP.
  4. Set the template according to the sample template below.

Creating an Action Trigger from Scratch


Creating an action trigger from scratch can be tricky as the environment and parameters of action triggers can be complex. Only create an action trigger from scratch if you are certain you can do so.

This example event definition is for a courtesy notice. Some details may need to be adjusted for your specific use case. It is most important to set the reactor to CallHTTP and the template according to the sample template below.

  • Click New Event Definition

  • Set the following form values:

    Owning LibraryCONS
    Processing Delay-300 days
    Processing Delay Context Fielddue_date
    Processing Group Context Fieldusr
    Event Repeatability Delay00:00:30
    Max Event Validity Delay-300 days
    Opt-In Setting Typehemlock.push_notification_enabled
    Opt-In User Fieldusr
    Retention Interval6 mons
    Template(see below)
    Context Bib Pathtarget_copy.call_number.record
    Context Item Pathtarget_copy
    Context Library Pathcirc_lib
    Context User Pathusr

Sample Template

Whether cloning an existing action trigger or creating a new one, the template should be set as follows. The parameters title, body, and type will vary depending on the type of notification you want to send.

method get
url http://localhost:8842/send

[%- USE date -%]
[%- user = target.0.usr -%]
[%- homelib = user.home_ou -%]

title Courtesy Notice
body You have a item due

# the push notification type (optional)
# controls the app screen that launches when you tap the notification.
# fines, general, holds, pmc, checkouts
type checkouts

# if the patron is not a mobile app user, token will be empty;
# this does no harm and allows hemlock-sendmsg to keep a metric of all send attempts
token [%- helpers.get_user_setting(, 'hemlock.push_notification_data') %]

# username is used by the app if there are multiple accounts on the device;
# barcode might be better but the app does not currently store that
username [%- user.usrname %]

# debug=1 causes hemlock-sendmsg to log requests on stdout
debug 1
  • Click Save