Configure the Hemlock app
This guide is for the mobile app developer.
Configure the Android app
Configure the iOS app
- Download the GoogleService-Info.plist file from the Firebase Console (click the gear and choose "Project settings") and store it under the app (e.g. Source/pines_app/)
- Add the GoogleService-Info.plist file to the project
- Add the FCM entitlements to the project
- In the Project navigator, click Hemlock
- Choose the project, e.g. PINES
- Click "+ Capability" and add the "Push Notifications" capability
- Click "+ Capability" and add the "Background Modes" capability, then select "Remote notifications"
- For cleanliness, move the newly created .entitlements file (drag it in Xcode to Source/pines_app/)
- Close Xcode, then edit the project.pbxproj to fix the relative path
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = Source/pines_app/PINES.entitlements;
- Define
) in the Build Settings of the project- Under "Build Settings", find "Swift Compiler - Custom Flags"
- Under "Active Compilation Conditions", add "USE_FCM" for Any Architecture | Any SDK
- Configure for DWARF with dSYM files
- Under "Build Settings", find "Build Options"
- For "Debug Information Format", choose "DWARF with dSYM files"
- Add Firebase packages to project
- Under "General", find "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content"
- Click "+" and add projects
- FirebaseAnalyticsWithoutAdIdSupport
- FirebaseCrashlytics
- NB: If you don't see the package you may need to quick Xcode and maybe delete the directory
- Configure Xcode to produce and upload dSYMs for Crashlytics per the Firebase instructions
- Optionally enable the Firebase Console Debug View by adding
to your build scheme per the Crashlytics >> Test your implementation