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Create an action trigger

This guide is for the Evergreen Administrator. It will help you set up your Evergreen (EG) server for sending a push notifications with an action trigger. It assumes that your System Administrator has already installed the hemlock-sendmsg daemon, and it's listening on localhost:8842.

The process is:

  • Create a User Setting Type
  • Create an Action Trigger

Create a User Setting Type

This procedure creates a new User Setting Type for the app to store its push notification token. This token uniquely identifies the app installation, and is required to send a push notification to a specific patron account.

As an EG admin, login to the Staff client and go to Server Administration >> User Setting Types.


  • Click New User Setting Type
  • Set Datatype to "string"
  • Set Description to "Data stored by the Hemlock app for patrons that have opted into push notifications"
  • Set Label to "Hemlock Push Notification data"
  • Set Name to "hemlock.push_notification_data"
  • Check OPAC/Patron Visible
  • Click Save

Create an Action Trigger

This procedure adds an action trigger to a demo server loaded with the concerto sample data. The action trigger uses the CallHTTP reactor to send a request to the hemlock-sendmsg daemon to send the push notification.

As an EG admin, login to the Staff client and go to Local Administration >> Notifications / Action Triggers.


  • Click New Event Definition

  • Set the following form values:

    Owning LibraryCONS
    Processing Delay-300 days
    Processing Delay Context Fielddue_date
    Processing Group Context Fieldusr
    Event Repeatability Delay00:00:00
    Max Event Validity Delay-300 days
    Retention Interval6 mons
    Template(see below)
    Context Bib Pathtarget_copy.call_number.record
    Context Item Pathtarget_copy
    Context Library Pathcirc_lib
    Context User Pathusr
  • Set the Template form value to

method get
url http://localhost:8842/send

[%- USE date -%]
[%- user = target.0.usr -%]
[%- homelib = user.home_ou -%]

title Courtesy Notice
body You have a item due

# if the patron is not a mobile app user, token will be empty;
# this does no harm and allows hemlock-sendmsg to keep a metric of all send attempts
token [%- helpers.get_user_setting(, 'hemlock.push_notification_data') %]

# username is used by the app if there are multiple accounts on the device;
# barcode might be better but the app does not currently store that
username [%- user.usrname %]

# debug=1 causes hemlock-sendmsg to log requests on stdout
debug 1
  • Click Save